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Diversity and Inclusion

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领导和学生参与办公室致力于创造一个积极的 为所有九游会国际的学生提供九游会国际体验. We work with a variety of student 每年都有来自不同背景的组织. Below is a listing of all of our 多元化和包容性相关的学生组织活跃在这个时候. For questions, email us at LSIFREEMississippi

The African Caribbean Society celebrates the deep connection that African and Caribbean countries have in the realization of the numerous students at USM that come from African/Caribbean backgrounds and descent. ACS是一群有着相似文化和种族的学生 这些背景汇聚在一起,鼓励、拥抱和欣赏我们的传统. 我们也希望营造一个鼓励外来文化人士的环境 and ethnicities to join the society to learn about African and Caribbean culture and 我们民族和历史的语义学. 

President: madousarahfabian.mahoroFREEMississippi 

The Afro-American Student Organization at 九游会国际 promotes 为所有参加大学的学生提供学术、社会和文化健康. 该组织建议提供学术、社会和文化活动 关注非裔美国人兴趣的学生,无论是在九游会国际还是在 community. 这些活动包括社交活动、九游会国际活动等 辅导新生,并协助会员推广奖学金 小组讨论共同感兴趣的话题,以促进更好的种族关系 在大学和社区内.

President: azariah.russFREEMississippi 

我们,九游会国际大学女性数学协会的成员,特此宣布 associate ourselves to form a community of students who are interested in mathematics 具体将促进以下方面: 
(a) an increased knowledge of and greater interest in the mathematical sciences, including 纯数学和应用数学、统计学及其应用;
(b) a greater understanding of the contributions of women in the mathematical sciences; and 
(c) mentoring and encouraging women and girls as they prepare for careers in the mathematical sciences.


President: Chandler.ShimpFREEMississippi 

阿拉伯语俱乐部旨在为学生提供学习和学习的机会 在社区环境中探索阿拉伯语言和文化. We aim to make this 俱乐部为任何感兴趣的人提供令人兴奋的独特体验. Although learning a new language may be challenging, having peers and supporters around can make it very enjoyable for everyone. 为大学生提供有趣和独特的体验是很重要的. This club will allow students to have the option to learn a new language without having 担心这会影响他们的GPA/成绩.

President: Sara.BeautiFREEMississippi 

Our organization works under the auspice of the National Association of Black Journalist. We educate our members and the University’s community about the history of the NABJ, 以及协会在新闻业寻求解决的问题. We also interact and collaborate with fellow student chapters in journalism- related 协助建立新的学生分会.

President: Raven.DayFREEMississippi 

孟加拉国学生协会是一个非政治性的世俗组织 the following purposes: A. 为了提高九游会国际意识和对美的欣赏, 孟加拉国的语言、文化、历史和地理. B. To provide support for the Bangladeshi students at USM. C. 培养领导能力,项目组织能力, 成员之间的沟通、主动和自立. 

President: shazeedul.karimFREEMississippi 

桥的使命是促进演讲学院的指导和教育 and Hearing Sciences, to better support and understand the complexities of diversity as it relates to our field. 

President: taylor.boykinFREEMississippi 

We are an organization that celebrates the Spanish language and various Hispanic/Latinx cultures. 

Not yet registered for 23-24

性与性别平等(SAGE)的使命是为酷儿提供安全的空间 通过关于酷儿话题的活动和对话来教育USM九游会国际. By promoting knowledge and safety, we hope to create long-term change and a body of activists for queer progress. 我们希望USM成为一个所有人,无论同性恋与否,都能感受到的九游会国际 他们有地方做真实的自己.

President: Andrew.H.LeFREEMississippi 

USM金鹰部落协会(GEIS)是USM的一个学生组织 that focuses on building community for Native students and others who are interested 印度正在发生的事情. GEIS教育和通知我们的大学和 broader communities about the ancient, historical and contemporary presence of American Indians in the Southeast.

President: Corey.EakesFREEMississippi 

The Graduate Students of Color Alliance (GSOCA) at the University of Southern Mississippi (USM)是一个为有色人种(POC)和相关盟友建立的组织 谁正在攻读或已获得研究生学位.

President: Lanecko.BaileyFREEMississippi 

我们是一个相信提升妇女地位和服务社区的组织. I.D.E.A.L. 是聪明、高贵、优雅、雄心勃勃的领导者的首字母缩略词. 全国有色人种妇女俱乐部协会的附属组织 on July 21, 1896. NACWC是美国历史最悠久的非裔美国人世俗组织 existence today. 我们一起形成了一个充满力量和挑战的姐妹情谊 us to becoming a better leader.

President: adijah.lenardFREEMississippi 

We promote diversity, equity, and inclusion through increasing the success and retention 历史上代表性不足的STEM学生(例如. scholars of color, women, LGBTQIA+, 低收入、第一代、残疾和无证学生). We ascribe ourselves 协助这些未被充分代表的群体的学生(i.e., informal gatherings, beneficial workshops, social events, etc.),提供导师/徒弟关系,邀请演讲者 分享经验,参加国家相关会议,领导地方 STEM outreach efforts, and initiate efforts for future diversity-enhanced recruitment.

Not yet registered for 23-24

The mission of this organisation is to help and give guidance for the new coming Indian students. 并回忆起我们在祖国庆祝的节日.

President: w10179546FREEMississippi 

We, the members of the Latinx Student Association at Southern Miss, hereby associate ourselves to promote unity, diversity and appreciation of latin culture at the University of Southern Mississippi. 我们的目标是教育我们的社区拉丁文化,提升 those of similar backgrounds, and develop a more inclusive community for every student on this campus. 我们将通过建立安全区来实现这些目标 有拉丁背景的人,以及那些想要了解更多的人,可以去哪里 聚在一起分享和教育他人不同的文化. In addition, we will 努力鼓励那些少数族裔背景的学生在教育上取得成功, 职业相关和/或个人努力.

President: karla.lalamaperaltaFREEMississippi 

Men of Excellence is a community service based organization that works to better the 九游会国际里所有男生的照片,强调教育丰富的项目和 building a foundation of excellence. 我们自豪地为九游会国际和社区服务 在保持对自己和他人的尊重的同时保持诚信,并在所有方面都表现出色 我们选择单独或集体承担的努力.

President: zacchaeus.wallaceFREEMississippi 

The overall goal of the program is to assist universities and colleges in diversifying 国家的科学,技术,工程和数学(STEM)劳动力 increasing the number of STEM baccalaureate and graduate degrees awarded to populations 历史上在这些学科中代表性不足.

President: kayla.a.whiteFREEMississippi 

MAPS organization that provide under-represented pre-medical students with knowledge, 技能和经验都是与专业相关的先决条件 participation in health care fields. 

-为他们提供必要的知识和资源,以实现他们的目标 成为一名医生,为他们的社区服务.

President: Kirsten.StewartFREEMississippi 

南方MSA小姐是一个学生组织,提供了一个欢迎社区 不同的宗教、种族和文化背景. Muslims as well as those who are interested in Islam can ask questions, talk about their personal experiences, 在一个安全、包容的环境中与朋友见面. This organization strives to unite students who will encourage one another to increase in faith and spread factual information about Islam. 

President: s.shahidFREEMississippi 

我们,九游会国际全国分会的成员 Association for the Advancement of Colored People, hereby associate ourselves to improve the political, educational, social and economic status of minority groups;  to eliminate racial discrimination; and to take all lawful action to secure its elimination, consistent 在国家组织的努力下,并符合本章程 本会的成立章程、章程及附例,以及其他指示 by the National Board of Directors.
此外,它的义务是告知学生影响的问题 黑人和其他少数群体,促进经济,教育,社会和 political status of black people and other minority groups and their harmonious cooperation with other peoples; to stimulate and appreciation of the black man’s contribution to civilization.  发展一个聪明的、积极的、有效的领导.   These objectives shall be pursued in accordance with the policies of the Association within 大学规章制度的框架.

President: nuriel.perkinsFREEMississippi 

The National Pan-Hellenic Council is comprised of nine predominately black fraternities and sororities. 这些组织的建立是为了帮助学生在他们的专业领域中脱颖而出 学术,社区参与的机会,以及与同龄人的关系. 如需国家健康中心组织的完整列表,请访问 FSL website.

President: victoria.a.waltersFREEMississippi 

我们的使命是保护和分享尼泊尔的文化和传统 九游会国际的学生们. It is also our mission to 与不同的文化分享我们的精彩文化,弘扬我们的价值观. It is important for us to organize events, festivals, and fund-raising programs to involve 还有我们在尼泊尔的家人和其他朋友. 目的是弘扬我们的传统 和生活在哈蒂斯堡的价值观. 

President: saroj.upretiFREEMississippi 

协会致力于社会、知识和文化合作 在协会内部以及协会与USM内其他机构之间.

President: abdulsalam.adegokeFREEMississippi 

The mission of the Pakistani Students Club at Southern Miss is to promote our culture and to develop international understanding, goodwill, and interaction between Pakistani, 国际学生和国内学生. 它还将创造一种团结和福利的感觉 for the students which would help them to develop internationally transferable skills. Also, it would aid in the building of global networks and increase international engagement. 它还将促进九游会国际内部的多样性. The 这个协会的另一个目的是作为一个支持网络,帮助未来 巴基斯坦学生与在校本科生和研究生交流. 

President: s.shahidFREEMississippi 

Our organization encourages women to use their voice to evoke change, while also exploring 女性和我们存在的交叉点. We also are the face of boldness and confidence. 

President: T’  

南密西西比特奥学院,在此我们作为 我们学校、学院/大学和社区的领导者. We will focus on providing a place where young people can participate in leadership, physical fitness, 展示勇气和九游会国际参与. 会员可参与包容性 九游国际棋牌,如国旗足球、篮球、啦啦队、魁地奇等.

我们是一个将两者联系起来的包容性组织(无论残疾与否) college students (partners) and individuals with disabilities (Special Olympic Athletes) 通过九游国际棋牌建立团队精神,促进健康、社会公正、意识, and acceptance.

Contact: Robert.CarleyFREEMississippi 

We, the members of 九游会国际 Students for Human Rights, 特此联合我们作为一个学生领导的跨学科联盟,为了 bring about social justice through the actions of its members for those who have been 被压迫、被忽视、被边缘化和/或受害.

President: sara.cavicchiFREEMississippi 

联合国是一个注重建立社区和关系的组织 来自世界各地的学生代表在九游会国际,以及 通过不同的方式提供学习和分享其他文化的机会 meetings and events.

President: enzo.fedatoferreiraFREEMississippi 

USM胺俱乐部提供了一个空间,学生可以分享他们的相互爱和 对日本动画和日本文化都很感兴趣. This club 存在的目的是满足其他类似的利益,可能有以前 在研究各种各样的日本动画时,被认为是“怪异的”。 that exist. 总的来说,USM动漫俱乐部是一个有趣的地方,结交志同道合的朋友 people.

President: Dalton.WoodFREEMississippi 

九游会国际 Vietnamese Student Association is a non-profit 致力于向他人传授越南文化的组织. By hosting 社会和筹款活动,我们能够使一个已知的九游会国际存在 欢迎社区里的任何人欣赏越南文化.

President: dennilyn.hoangFREEMississippi 

女性在科学和工程(WISE)旨在提供一个环境,支持 women in STEM fields. 这个组织是开放给USM社区的所有成员 谁想要支持STEM领域的女性,并了解一些伟大的女性领导者 in the field. 这个组织旨在为积极的科学推广提供一个场所 周边社区,虽然它的目的是鼓励年轻女性追求一个 我们鼓励任何对STEM感兴趣的人加入我们.

President: zoe.lequeuxFREEMississippi 

Our vision for Women's Empowerment Association is to uplift, empower and inspire women of all cultures.

President: jordan.m.thomasFREEMississippi 

此外,我们鼓励所有组织努力创造空间 welcome all Southern Miss students. 我们为学生提供以下资源 organizations:

Being An Ally


We are also available for consultations or workshops surrounding diversity and inclusion in student organizations. To inquire, email us at LSIFREEMississippi

Contact Us

Student Activities Hub, room 110

Hattiesburg Campus

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